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Lily Leapers Campaign Update – Week 1 Recap

Leaping ahead into the final stretch!

We are officially throught the first week of the Lily Leapers crowd sale! I want to give a big hug to everyone who has backed the game so far, I am so happy to have this many people supporting me!

We passed over 10 backers within the first 3 day of the campaign, giving everyone a huge 33% discount ($5 off msrp {$15} ~ it was the largest discount they would allow me to give) to make the game only $9.90, and we are so close to passing the 20 backer mark to make it $9.80!

So please share the link around with friends that you think would enjoy it (!

I was thinking of make a gameplay YouTube video of Lily Leapers and/or a short production video of how I came up with/designed Lily Leapers; so follow my YouTube channel for any update and other videos! Check out my Fractured Pawn website for sneak peeks at some upcoming game ideas!

Again, thank you all for backing this game, and I will be releasing more updates soon, so stay tuned (including a future game ready for its own crowd fund in a few months)!

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