The Fractured Pawn Team
Meet the faces behind the Pawns
Christopher “Ghost”

CEO, Designer, Production, Illustrator

Editor, Audio-Drama Author
Our Focus
What Fractured Pawn Strives & Stands For

Replay-ability &
Fun Mechanics
We don’t want to pay for a game just to play it once, so we won’t make you!
All our games are designed with replay-ability as the very first mechanic. We like to balance luck and player’s choices to provide options when playing so it doesn’t always come down “the shuffle of the cards”.

Compact & Cost Friendly
We love the niche market of small pocket games (1-4p) you can take with to bars/taverns/or date nights while saving the wallet.
We try our best (if possible) to provide our games in many formats with a range of prices (like physical, print and play, and digital). We want fun, not profits

Cinematic Podcasts
Audio dramas and Tabletop Role-Playing Games allow friends and story tellers to experience an amazingly creative narrative unfold; And we want you to be a part of it!
We fully immerse listeners into the creative fantasies, designed by our Dungeon Masters/Authors with sound effects, abidance, and select voice casting to feel like you’re right in the story!

We want to give back to the amazing community that has helped us!
We offer playtesting your games (just ship it to us), promotional review videos (for Kickstarter/TikTok), rules review, and more!
* Coming Soon *
2024 Copyright (c) Fractured Pawn, all rights reserved.